The stopping points this year are all new and I think anyone who attends should have fun. We have 4 stops in total, finishing off with a BBQ lunch at the home of Jason and Bonnie Len. While a lot of us have seen some of Jason’s moto projects, it is never a dull visit! The other stops also have some moto eye candy of various types and quantity. A map will be sent out prior to the ride so everyone has an idea of the route and stopping locations.
To attend the the Progressive Ride, you must be a paid member of Coast Riders. You can pay through all the normal channels as previously sent out (and repeated below), or you can pay the morning of the ride. If a non member wants to ride, a donation of $25 is requested and with it comes a free Coast Riders membership J.
Note: This is a change to the way we’ve previously run the Progressive Ride, but this year the Club is subsidizing the volunteer stops to reimburse them for some of the cost associated with providing snacks and drinks. As such, it was deemed appropriate that paid members only should be able to participate.
To pay your dues Click Here or mail your $25.00 check to
Ray Coast Rider Ried
850 W. Foothill Road
SLO, CA 93405